Saturday, June 5, 2010

How I block ads

Previously I posted about why I block ads: namely that I'm not interested in them. But I didn't mention how I do my blocking. I have two methods: NoScript and CSS. I've had that CSS for years without having to update it. It does display:none based on some patterns and has served me well. I have broadband and I'm not worried about the ads being downloaded. So if the website is getting paid per display, they should still get their money, right?


Morbus said...

Not really. Display:none doesn't download them at all. Opacity:0 or visibility:hidden will simply hide them and the site will never know (in their bills) that you didn't see them. But it will still play annoying sounds, and it will still get viruses into your computer and still your clicks and your focus and your scroll. So display:none is the way to go.

The advertising industry is rotten with spyware and adware that is damaging to the user (often against the site's consent). So I block everything that isn't Google ads, and I block everything that moves. I can't stand moving things on the web. I understand that you want attention to your banner, but I don't care. If you want me to buy your product, go sponsor some sports team or some stuff like that, don't come bothering me, cause you'll only make me loose respect for you. It's that simple. My bank? Santander, cause of F1. My favorite drink? Red Bull, cause of motor sports. My gas? Repsol cause of motor sports. My running shoes? That'd be Puma, cause of sports. And so on and so on.

Simple, really: if you want me to buy your product, pay for something I like first and don't bother me.

glazou said...

let's give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, ie Joe Francis, former member of the Netscape Editor team. He did that in 2001 or 2002 IIRC: